Charles Ellis Montessori Academy in Savannah, Georgia is celebrating its Silver Jubilee during the 2012-2013 school year! Over the past 25 years, Charles Ellis has been a shining example of public Montessori education. Please join in the celebration!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Charles Ellis Montessori Academy Silver Jubilee Gala

Click HERE to order tickets online (you can pick them up at will-call the night of the gala).

Saturday, March 23, 2013

We're Getting Ready for the Silver Jubilee Gala!

The Silver Jubilee Gala committee is busy planning an amazing party to commemorate 25 years of public Montessori at Ellis.  The gala will be from 7:30-10:30 on Friday, May 24 at beautiful Brockington Hall (  The evening will include heavy hors d'oeuvres and sweets, great music and dancing, commemorative favors, a signature drink, and a few other surprises!  Dress for a cocktail party, but black tie is welcome, too!

As you know, galas are quite pricy events.  We are working very hard to keep ticket prices as low as possible so we can include as many of our families as possible in the celebration.  Many people in the community have graciously offered their services to us at drastically reduced prices to help us keep this gala on the cheap.  While a ticket price has not been sent yet, we are excited to share that it will NOT exceed $35 a person.

Tickets will go on sale in the media center when formal invitations are sent soon after Spring Break.  But, we need to get a rough count of numbers so we can make orders for food, favors, etc. & decide on a fixed ticket price.  If you think you are going to attend the gala, please reply to me with the number of tickets you will be purchasing.  Please also share with me if you know of anyone besides yourself who may want to attend.  I can't emphasis enough the importance of getting at least a rough number of possible ticket purchasers by the end of the day Wednesday.  Our committee goal is to get at least 100 pre-orders by Wednesday, so talk it up!

Email if you have any questions.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

25 Silver Acts of Kindness

As part of our Silver Jubilee, several classrooms at Charles Ellis are taking the "25 Silver Acts of Kindness" Challenge!  Throughout the month of February, students are encouraged to do 25 kind acts. A personal journal will be kept to keep track of all the positive influences they accomplish.  At the end of the month, the students will have a great record of behavior to reflect upon and a unique souvenir of the Silver Jubilee.  Why not join in on the fun, too!?  Below is a copy of the journal for you to print and use!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

WSAV Reports on Ellis Playground Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

The Charles Ellis Montessori Academy held a ribbon cutting ceremony for its new playground today.  While the equipment isn't new, the students now have daily access to the grounds, which were previously plagued with problems.  The old playground faced drainage issues and sandstorms which didn’t allow students to use it daily.
Teacher Trent Kissinger said keeping students indoors all day is rough.
"We had to make a lot of accommodations, we spent a lot of time in the classroom trying to be as active as we could in the classroom but it doesn't necessarily work out when you have 30 sixth graders,” said Kissinger.
Letting students take a play break outside can bring a big benefit when they head back inside.
"There is a lot of research out there that talks about the attention spans of children, and it's a lot shorter than what you would expect, so when they are able to come out here and get that energy out they can go back in and be focused on how we want them during lessons,” said Kissinger.
Eight-year-old Lillian Banks said she can feel the difference after she gets done playing outside. 
"When you have all your energy out and you're okay and you calm down, it's easier to focus and get on track with your work,” said Banks.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Join Us in Celebrating Our New Playground!

Come join us for the official unveiling of the new playground at Ellis! A ribbon cutting ceremony will take place Friday, January 11 at 10:30 am. There's no need to RSVP, just come and help us celebrate!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Get your Silver Jubilee Merchandise!

Official Ellis Silver Jubilee merchandise will go on sale tomorrow!  T-shirts can be purchased for $10.00 and buttons will sell for $1.00 each.  All proceeds will go towards Silver Jubilee activities.